We will be hosting our first league meet of the season at the Santa Rosa Plateau. The tentative schedule is as follows.
4:30pm- JV Girls (possibly 2 heats)
5:00pm- JV Boys (possibly 2 heats)
5:30pm- Varsity Girls
6:00pm- Varsity Boys
The main entrance to the Sylvan Meadows will be blocked off. Only the coaches and the snack bar trailer will be allowed to park in this area. Parking is VERY limited and it is suggested that you CAR POOL!! Parking is provided along the street and across the street. Please do not block any exits as this is a fire hazard.
There will be a snack bar providing water and gatorades. All empty bottles will be recylced and funds will go to the MVHS cross country team. Remember to throw away all your trash. There will also be additional raffle tickets sold to win the moutain bike and Bar B Q. They are $5.00 each. If you are still selling tickets, you may attempt to sell them at the meet. Remember they are due Oct. 2nd!!
Parent volunteers are helping with the finish line, crowd control on the course, snack bar, set up and tear down.
Release time for all XC athletes is 2:30pm, they will need to check in with Coach G at the front of the school and then they have an hour to get to the Plateau.. There will be sections provided for each team to set up their EZ up tents within the Slyvan Meadows parking lot. All MVHS athletes MUST remain at the plateau until the final race and you are dismissed by your coaches. You are required to help with tear down, and trash clean up. You MUST check out with Coach Gilliland, she will have a sign-out sheet. More information to follow as needed.
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